S1000D User Forum – London – Am I going?

S1000D User Forum in London

So the S1000D User Forum 2019 will be in BREXIT Britain!

A question I have been asked a great deal over the last few months is if I am planning on attending the S1000D User Forum in London.

In this vLog/Podcast I talk about why I think it is an excellent event to attend if you can find the time and budget as well as why I am going and what I am hoping to learn.

If you would like to sit with me over the four days and have a chat about your journey with S1000D do get in touch (michael@techdataworld.com) I will be more than happy to chat.

Make sure you follow all of our channels as I plan to do some live feeds, podcasts and I hope interviews.

If you can’t make the event, what is it you would like me to find out for you? Let me know!

Look forward to seeing you all at the event, I’ll be the one in a bright yellow t-shirt!

Listen to the PODCAST in app or ONLINE – watch a podcast recording on YouTube

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