The S1000D DMRL, STE and Skills to develop

The S1000D DMRL, STE and Skills to develop! Welcome to Episode #3 of the S1000D show brought to you from the beautiful Boxgrove Priory. Thank you for your valuable feedback and positivity around the content that we are delivering to you, our network.

In this episode, we look at the S1000D DMRl, answering a question that came into us at TDW specifically around the S1000D DMRL. Mike takes a different approach to answer this question, giving plenty of food for thought, while Ciaran Dodd continues with the journey of the A2Z of Simplified Technical English.

In these challenging times for all of us globally and many of the TDW subscribers and customers working in the aerospace sector, it is a stressful time. Some of you have been in touch with us asking for advice around job hunting and preparing yourself for the new normal.

The fallout from the COVID-19 pandemic is decimating the aerospace sector; job losses, reduced schedules, cancelled orders are just some of the early indications that we are in for a long, tough ride in the commercial sector. Many industry experts are predicting that it may take up to five years for the industry to recover. At TDW, we have been thinking about this and have put together five skills to be developing tutorial.

In the TDW show, we cover the first three, for those that wish to watch the entire video, you can create your free account over at Tech Data World. If you already have an account, you may log in now and watch the tutorial and other free resources.

Make sure you create your free account over on TDW for more free tutorials as well as access to other free resources to help you on your technical data journey.

As ever if you have any questions, comments, suggestions or thoughts, please feel free to get in touch with us at TDW.

Enjoy the show!

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