A2Z of S1000D – “A”

A2Z of S1000D – “A”

A2Z of S1000D – Welcome to my first in a very long journey of the A2Z of S1000D – starting at A (if you hand’t already guessed) I want to kick off with some obvious and I hope not so obvious thoughts today!

A2Z of S1000D - Starting with A
A2Z – “A”

I take you to our local stables, where my daughter was having a riding lesson and I sneaked off to record this first video.

I look at:

  • Accept – that ALL S1000D projects require effort – watch not for why.
  • Analyse – what S1000D has to offer and what it is you actually need
  • Ask – Make sure you ask a number of and the right questions.
  • Agree – what it is you are actually going to use and do
  • Acronyms and Abbreviations – a real story where this has gone wrong for a project!

What would you add to the “A” list?

I want to hear what you would put in the A section of the A2Z of S1000D – please feel free to contact me direct, connect with me on LinkedIn or contact any of my TDW team!

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